澳門國際酷兒影展 Macao International Queer Film Festival

世界光譜 World Spectrum

The Lost Boys
Le Paradis

澳門首映 Macao Premiere

2023 柏林影展

2023 Berlin Film Festival

2023 塞薩洛尼基電影節 國際競賽單元 最佳劇本

2023 Thessaloniki Film Festival - Winner of Best Screenplay in International Competition


年份 Year|2023

國家 Countries|比利時、法國 Belgium, France

片長 Length|83’

語言 Language|法語對白 In French

字幕 Subtitles|中、英文字幕 Chinese and English subtitles

色彩 Color|彩色 Color

評級 Rating|C組 Group C

牆外的世界必然比牆內自由?少年 Joe 在感化院的日子即將結束,準備迎接牆外生活之際,被初來報到的 William 深深吸引,關不住的慾望一觸即發。兩顆迷失又孤獨的心,越過禁忌之線,在高牆內相濡以沫。自由到底是甚麼?隨著刑期將滿,Joe愈來愈迷失⋯

Joe, 17, is about to be released from a youth detention center. Should the judge approve his liberation, he will be allowed to live on his own. But when a new detainee arrives in his facility, Joe starts to question his desire for freedom.

 03.30        SAT       17:00    英皇戲院葡京人 Emperor Cinema Lisboeta Macau

本節目由以上單位支持 The program is supported by

Zeno Graton

Zeno Graton, born in Brussels in 1990, graduated from INSAS in photo direction. He wrote and directed several short fiction films that won awards in many international festivals, including MOUETTES (2013), and JAY PARMI LES HOMMES (2015) broadcasted on ARTE and nominated for the Magritte du Cinéma. He is also a video director for various theater companies in Belgium and France. THE LOST BOYS (2023), supported by the Cinéfondation, is his first feature film.