澳門國際酷兒影展 Macao International Queer Film Festival

大師視角 Master Presentation


港澳首映 Hong Kong & Macao Premiere

2023 康城影展 
2023 Cannes Film Festival

2023 東京國際電影節
2023 Tokyo International Film Festival


年份 Year|2023

國家 Countries|日本 Japan

片長 Length|131’

語言 Language|日語對白 In Japanese

字幕 Subtitles|中、英文字幕 Chinese and English subtitles

色彩 Color|彩色 Color

評級 Rating|D組 Group D


Aiming to control Japan, Lord Nobunaga Oda was engaged in fierce battles with the Mouri, Takeda, and Uesugi armies, as well as with the forces of temples and shrines in Kyoto. Meanwhile, Nobunaga's vassal Araki Murashige stages a rebellion and promptly disappears. Nobunaga gathered his vassals, including Mitsuhide Akechi and Hideyoshi Hashiba, and ordered them to search for Murashige in exchange for his heirship. Hideyoshi, together with his brother Hidenaga and military strategist Kanbei Kuroda, devised a plan and instructed former ninja-turned-entertainer, Sorori Shinzaemon, to find Murashige. In fact, Hideyoshi was aiming to take advantage of the uproar to subvert Nobunaga and Mitsuhide and control Japan himself.

03.23       SAT       20:30    英皇戲院葡京人 Emperor Cinema Lisboeta Macau

04.01       MON      20:00    英皇戲院葡京人 Emperor Cinema Lisboeta Macau

北野武 Takeshi Kitano

Kitano made his directorial debut with "Violent Cop" (1989), in which he also starred. Since then, he has directed "Boiling Point" (90), "A Scene at the Sea" (91), "Getting Any? (95), and "Kids Return" (96), HANA-BI" (1998) won the Golden Lion at the 54th Venice International Film Festival, as well as many other awards at home and abroad.

Following "Kikujiro" (1999), the Japan-British co-production "BROTHER" (2001), and "Dolls" (2002), he made his first period drama in "Zatoichi" (2003),It won the Silver Lion at the 60th Venice International Film Festival. He then went on to project himself as an artist in "TAKESHIS'" (2005), "Glory to the Filmmaker! (2007) and "Achilles and the Tortoise" (2008), He directed the trilogy of the violent entertainment series "Outrage" (10,12,17). "KUBI" is his 19th film after a six-year absence.