酷就是美 U.S. Charms
Kokomo City
港澳首映 Hong Kong & Macao Premiere
2023 柏林影展 電影大觀 觀眾票選獎 紀錄片
2023 Berlin Film Festival - Winner of Panorama Audience Award, Documentary Film
2023 辛丹斯影展 NEXT 觀眾票選獎及改革者獎
2023 Sundance Film Festival - Winner of NEXT Audience Awards and Innovator Prize
年份 Year|2023
國家 Countries|美國 U.S.
片長 Length|73’
語言 Language|英語對白 In English
字幕 Subtitles|中文字幕 Chinese subtitles
色彩 Color|彩色 Color
評級 Rating|D組 Group D
跨性別仍是長期被忽視和歧視的一群。跨女從事性工作,又是一個怎樣的生存狀態?本紀錄片聚焦四位美國非裔跨性別性工作者的故事,近乎赤裸的剖白,揭露非裔和酷兒的生存血淚史,同時反映殘酷的社會現實。導演 D. Smith 曾是兩度提名格林美獎的音樂製作人,2014年公開跨性別身分後,音樂事業也隨之走下坡。《KOKOMO:未至之城 Kokomo City》是他的首部長片,而主角之一 Koko Da Doll 於上映同年4月在亞特蘭大被槍殺。
03.28 THURS 20:00 英皇戲院葡京人 Emperor Cinema Lisboeta Macau
04.04 THURS 20:00 英皇戲院葡京人 Emperor Cinema Lisboeta Macau
本節目由以上單位支持 The program is supported by
D. Smith
D. SMITH (director, editor, cinematographer, producer) is a two-time Grammy nominated producer, singer, and songwriter and she directed her film debut of the documentary “Kokomo City.”
In 2014, Smith decided to walk in her truth and transition into the woman she always knew she was. She was unaware that living in her truth meant that she would have to sacrifice the thing she loved the most, which was making music for a living. People stopped calling. And eventually after running out of money and options, she knew she had to move on from the life she once knew.